Fever Queen

Originally sent 10.06.08

...Another month bites the dust,
Another month bites the dust,
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another month bites the dust...

6 months!

It's been yet another crazy month. Weddings, birthdays and our anniversary...oh my!

F has conquered rice cereal and is starting to take on veggies. Peas were her first green feat - so far she's liking what she's tasting. I never knew the slow methodical process that is solid food. Introducing one at a time and *waiting* for an allergic reaction. Being the 21st century, you'd think there would be more of a science to it. This feed her and cross-your-fingers-and-hope-
for-no-allergic-reaction seems a bit backward if you ask me. But what do I know? I do numbers, not science.

Unfortunately, F met her first fever and she didn't like it. Neither did we. And when I say we, I mean me and my immune system (IS). Apparently, the IS of a six month old is substantially better than that of a 28-year old. She passed along her day and half bug to yours truly. Me on the other hand, missed more days of work than I ever have. Ever. I was laid out for 4 days....hopefully we're done with the bug in our house. We were on lock down all last week. But even as a sicky she is a little doll face.

On to happier news, she's sitting up unassisted and loving life from the newest angle. It's got to be great to see the world right side up!

Hope you and yours are happy and healthy.


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